Dear Friends,
The Federal government is moving quickly in its discussions to provide Coronavirus relief funding for those who need it most.
We need to make sure that non-profits like Jewish Federation receive part of this aid to ensure our community’s needs will be addressed.
Reach out to Senate Majority and Minority Leaders Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and urge them to support the new stimulus package.
Tens of Thousands of people in Middlesex and Monmouth Counties are at risk of losing access to food, medicine and other basic needs provided by a network of Jewish and other social service organizations.
URGE CONGRESS TO approve $60 billion in economic stimulus and other supports for the nonprofit sector.
Hospitals and health care workers are stretched beyond capacity
URGE CONGRESS TO provide additional funding to support front-line healthcare workers and other caregivers to fortify our resilience and response to this virus.
Too many are going hungry: students who rely on free or reduced school meals are at home, as are older adults and people with disabilities who are at increased risk.
URGE CONGRESS TO ensure children and families have access to food they need to survive during this time.
We URGE YOU TO email, post on your social media channels, and/or call TODAY. Sample scripts and email can be found HERE. Share on social media HERE. Find your Senators' contact information HERE.
Stay safe out there!