Tributes and Memorial Gifts - September 2019

To Alyce and James Isaacson, in memory of Joseph Shalom, from Cheryl and Lance Markbreiter, the Federation Board and Staff; to Phil Bushinger, Mazel Tov on his 65th birthday, from Steven Fisch; to Susan Gelber, in memory of Roy Gelber, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Lynda Zeke, in memory of Henry Schlussler, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Lanny Friedman and Family, in memory of Scott Friedman, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Regina and Dan Werbler, Mazel Tov on the birth of two new grandchildren, Ruby Arielle and Cameron Alex, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Ruth Hymanson, in memory of Michael Hymanson, from the Federation Board and Staff; David and Michelle Stein and Family, in memory of Debra Beth Stein, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Michele and Edward Rockoff and Family, in memory of Nathan Richter, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Rabbi Don Weber, for a very speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Leon Kroll, best wishes for a speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff, Susan Antman; to Carol Kominsky, best wishes for a very speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Allison and Steven Landers and Family, Mazel Tov on Eli’s Bar Mitzvah, from the Federation Board and Staff; to William Eckstein and Family, in memory of Renee Eckstein, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Maxine Kasdin, in memory of Mark Kasdin, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Sharon Schleifstein, in memory of Richard Schleifstein, from the Federation Board and Staff; to David Drukaroff, in memory of Mildred Drukaroff, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Abbe and Steven Deitch and Family, in memory of Addie Richmond, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Jeffrey Schwartz, in his honor, from Laurie Landy, Michelle and Jay Fields; to Susan Antman, in her honor, from Michelle and Jay Fields; to Mark and Trudi Perlman, in memory of Robyn Perlman Harvan, from Estelle and Jerome Katcher.

To Deby Cohen and Family, in memory of Dotty Lieberman, from Carol and Bill Lalin and Family

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