JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY To Arlene Golden, in memory of Donald Golden, from Wendy and Jerry Marks; to Bette Epstein, in honor of her birthday, from Kaye Paletz; to Dian and Lawrence Perkel and Family, in memory of Ida Rose, from the Federation Board and Staff, Rhona and Steve Paul; to Dian Perkel and Family, in memory of Ida Rose, from Judy and Jay Sadowsky; to The Antman Family, in celebration of Marvin’s retirement, from Morris Dweck and Marvin’s friends and colleagues at RSM US LLP; to Ellen Ward and Family, in memory of William Ward, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Albert Passner in memory of Florence Passner, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Joel and Jayne Edman and Family, in memory of Eileen Edman, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Gloria and Alan Nadler and Family, in memory of Albert Garbuz, from The Antman Family, the Federation Board and Staff; to Joan and Aaron Fischer, Mazel Tov on the birth of their grandson Seth Daniel Bennett, from the Federation Board and Staff, Susan Antman and Family; to Alvin Wittlin and Family, in memory of Renee Wittlin, from Sandra Schwartz; to Shirley and Leslie Bloomfield, in memory of Rosalie Cooper, from Ruth and Jerry Rosenfeld, the Federation Board and Staff; to Ruth and Ken Block, Mazel Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of granddaughter Sierra, from Shelly and Ken Hirsch; to Harris Gurowitz and Family, in memory of Linda Gurowitz, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Gerald and Elaine Silver, in memory of Sheldon Silver, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Ruth Rosenfeld, Mazel Tov on her special birthday, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Stuart Arnowitz, in memory of Miriam Arnowitz, from Susan and Harlan Schufeldt; to The Rabinowitz Family, in memory of Stanley Rabinowitz, from Nancy and Fred Rachman; to Irving Kotkin and Family, in memory of Rose Laveman, from Tina and Dave Hoffman; to The Brustein Family, Mazel Tov on Jonah’s Bar Mitzvah, from Lisa Karasic; to Ellen and Adam Silver and Family, in memory of their father, from Lisa Karasic; to Marnee and Albert Bloomfield, in memory of Rosalie Cooper, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Lisa Karasic and Family, in memory of Bernard Karasic, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff, Brenda and Roy Tanzman, Sheryl Grutman, Elise Feldman, Naomi Lasky, Wendy and Jerry Marks, Laurie Landy, Adrienne and Andy Ross, Rosanne and Arnie Koenigson, Joel Mordecai and Creative Print Group, Stacy Feldman, Joan and Aaron Fischer, Ruth and Jerry Rosenfeld, Bonnie and Steven Leff; to Donna Davidson and Family, in memory of Bernard Karasic, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff, Brenda and Roy Tanzman; to Renee Karasic, in memory of Bernard Karasic, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Adrienne and Andrew Ross and Family, in memory of Phyllis Spigelman, from Joel and Beth Krinsky, Cheryl and Lance Markbrieter, Irma and Ken Philmus, Laurie Landy, Stacy Feldman, Naomi Lasky and Rabbi Eli Garfinkel, Marlene and Edward Herman, Rosanne and Arnie Koenigson, Susan and Marvin Antman and Family, Federation Board and Staff, Joan and Aaron Fischer, Lisa Karasic