JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY To The Picot Family, in memory of Donald Picot, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff, Laura, Jeremy, Gili and Ezra Safran, Cheryl and Lance Markbreiter; to Elissa and Adam Glinn, Mazel Tov on their son’s marriage from the Federation Board and Staff, Susan Antman; to The Huber Family, in memory of Beatrice Huber, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Ellen and Danny Gresack, Mazel Tob on the birth of their granddaughter Batsheva Esther, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Arlene Draiman and Family, in honor of Charlotte Passo, from Ellen and David Grossman; to Scott and Sara Alter, in memory of Sally Alter, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Ilene Karp, Mazel Tov on the birth of her grandson Julian Allen, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Beth and Joel Krinsky and Family, in memory of Rosalind Davidson, from Adrienne and Andrew Ross, the Federation Board and Staff, Elise Feldman, Laurie Landy, Wendy and Jerry Marks, Brenda and Roy Tanzman, Ethel and Robert Singer, Marcia and Jeffrey Schwartz, Jomarie Freud; to Phyllis Solomon, Mazel Tov on her birthday, from Beth and Joel Krinsky; to Rabbi Sally Priesand, in her honor, from Richard Mellin; to Matha Goz and Family, in memory of Rebecca Goz, from Rachel Holeman and Family; to Rabbi Melinda Panken and Family, in memory of Glenn Cohen, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff, Cheryl and Lance Markbreiter; to Martin and Ruth Shindler, in memory of Harriet Shindler, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Linda and Barry Diamond, in memory of Phyllis Kirschner, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Laura Bursey and Family, in memory of Gerald Bursey, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Scott and Amy Keller and Family, in memory of Norman Keller, from Marcia and Jeffrey Schwartz; to Lynn Paulson, in memory of Duane Wald, from Allan and Diane Kaufman; to The Halatin Family, in memory of Sidney Hochman, from The Abramson Family; to Susan King, in memory o f Elisabeth King, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Barry and Debbie Leskowitz and Family, in memory of Sylvia Leskowitz, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Jessica Zink and Family, in memory of Thomas Zink, Jr, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Jeanne and Richard Isaacson and Family, in memory of Harold Rappaport, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Sheri and David Tarrab and Family, in memory of Phyllis Segal, from Susan Antman, Cheryl Markbreiter and the Federation Board and Staff; to Jodi and David Eligberg and Family, in memory of Barbara Abramson, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Barbara Syetta and Family, in memory of Bernie Dautch, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Diane Weinberg, in memory of Eric Weinberg, from the Federation Board and Staff; to George and Susan Karp, Mazel Tov on the birth of their grandson Lev Leo, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Cantor Larry and Laura Brandspiegel, Mazel Tov on the birth of their grandchild Orli Malka, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Brenda and Mark Sherman, Mazel Tov on the engagement of their son Joshua to Liza, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Carol and Jeffrey Diamond, in honor of their 80th birthdays, from Ella Rudin; to Howard Alter, in memory of Larry Alter, from Norman Abramson
ETHEL & ALEX KARGMAN ENDOWMENT FUND To Judy and Martin Borell, in memory of Richard Kargman, from Wendy and Jerry Marks, Alan and Laurie Sneider, Gerald Borell
UKRAINE EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUND To Barry Balter, in memory of his mother, from Barbara Hausen; to Ross Merrin, in memory of Leona Merrin, from Elaine Rand Frumkin; to Phyllis Solomon, Mazel Tov on her birthday, from Lori, Arie and Ben Moshe, Neil Solomon, Matthew, Carly, Hudson and Sutton Salemme, Ellen Solomon; to Rabbi Melinda Panken and Family, in memory of Glenn Cohen, from Rabbi Lois Ruderman and Congregation Kol Am of Freehold