Tributes and Memorial Gifts - February 2017

To The Rosenberg Family, in memory or Robert Rosenberg, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Bruce and Jane Lemberg and Family, in memory of Seymour Lemberg, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Maurice Seisler, for a very speedy recovery, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Honey and Max Wisotsky, Mazel Tov on the marriage of their grandson Avi, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Karen Lee and Family, in memory of Jack Lee, from Robin and Irv Wander; to David Portman, for a very speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Stephanie Pangaro and Family, in memory of Melanie Pearlman, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Marsha Cohen and Family, Mazel Tov on the birth of their new granddaughter, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Gail and Robert Grossman, Mazel Tov on the marriage of their son Chuck to Kira, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Beth and Brian Drazin, Mazel Tov on the marriage of their daughter Stephanie to Jacques, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Jane and Pasquale Guadagno, Mazel Tov on the marriage of their daughter Emily to Matt, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Toby Stern, for a speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Harriet Wiser, for a very speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Joanne and Stanley Zimmerman and Family, in memory of Nessie Kluger, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Karen and Jay Reinhard and Family, in memory of Arline Reinhard, from the Federation Board and Staff, Laura, Jeremy, Gili and Ezra Safran; to The Jewbadors, in their honor, from the Oscar & Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living; to Pamela Falik and Family, in memory of Sheryl Brall, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Nina Wolff and Family in memory of her mother, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Brenda Bloomfield, in memory of her cousin, from Judy and Marty Borell; to Michael and Lauren Polkowitz and Family, in memory of Eleanor Berman, from Judy and Marty Borell; to Kevin Berman and Family in memory of Eleanor Berman, from Judy and Marty Borell; to Joan Spring and Family, in memory of Alan Gottlieb, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Brenda and Mark Sherman, in memory of Norman Linefsky, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Cindy and Neil Gittleman in memory of Sydney Solomon, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Amy Mallet, Mazel Tov on her Bat Mitzvah, from Michelle and Jay Fields, the Federation Board and Staff, Susan Antman; to Ethel Smith, for a very speedy recovery, from Judy and Marty Borell; to the Cohen Family, in memory of Leona Cohen, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Gary Taffet and Family, in memory of Ellis Taffeta, from Mikki Neuman, The Philip and Tammy Murphy Family Foundation; to Marilyn Taffet and Family, in memory of Ellis Taffet, from Beverly Fishman and Family, the Federation Board and Staff, harry and Bonnie Rosenblum



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