Tributes and Memorial Gifts - August 2022

JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY                                                                                  To Lois Berkowitz, in memory of Barry Berkowitz, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Bonnie and Robert Goldschlag, in memory of Mary Frigand, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Philip Bramson and Family, in memory of Joan Bramson, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Rivka and Louis Steinberg, in memory of Frida Rydzinski, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Wendy and Oz Bar, in memory of Leslie Bernstein, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Ruth Levine and Family, in memory of Irwin Levine, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Helene and Kenneth Gerson, Mazel Tov on the engagement of their daughter, Jacqueline, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Robert Kushner, in memory of Phyllis Kushner, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to The Bramson Family, in memory of Joan Bramson, from The Antman Family; To Frank and Sarah Pallone, Mazel Tov on the wedding of their son, from the Federation Board and Staff; Susan Antman, Dan Rozett, Amy Keller; to Margo and Andrew Tikijian, in memory of George Tikijian, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Allan Dolman, in memory of Jacqueline Dolman, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Pamela and Michael Berson and Family, in memory of Jacqueline Dolman, from the Federation Board and Staff’ to Jill Stone, Mazel Tov on the birth of her great granddaughter Adalyn Taylor, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Kevin and Susann Krane, in memory of Sidney Krane, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Gary and Toby Balsam, in memory of Irene Balsam, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Peter Nussbaum and Family, in memory of Shelley Nussbaum, from the Federation Board and Staff; to David and Laurie Nussbaum and Family, in memory of Shelley Nussbaum, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Ben and Leah Todres and Family, in memory of Shelley Nussbaum, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Wendy and Gregg Winik and Family, in memory of Shelley Nussbaum, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Bernice and Mel Chefitz, in memory of Joel Chefitz, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Harry and Dalya Chefitz, in memory of Joel Chefitz, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Georgie and Lowell David, in memory of Jack Lewis, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Phyllis Solomon, in her honor, from Celine Leeds; to Elaine and Gerald Silver, Mazel Tov on the engagement of their daughter, Alyssa, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Rita Wistreich and Family, in memory of Irwin Wistreich, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Nadine and David Greenspan and Family, in memory of Gerald Tantleff, from the Federation Board and Staff, The Antman Family; to Jesse Crosson and Nicky Isaacson and Family, in memory of Jesse Carl Crosson, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Joshua and Naomi Caplan, Mazel Tov on the wedding of their son, from the Federation Board and Staff


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