The following, urgent call to action was issued today by the N.J. State Association of Jewish Federations. The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey shares this for those who are inclined to ask lawmakers to increase funding for non-public school security funding:
After the tragic massacre in Pittsburgh, the number of school shootings in recent years and the ever increasing rise of anti-Semitism and other acts of hate, all of which are threats to the safety of our community and our institutions, security is now more important than ever for the Jewish community's schools. For too long, our schools have not received adequate funding from the state to protect our children - in fact, the inequity between public and nonpublic schools is staggering.
The NJ State Legislature has the opportunity to begin to right this wrong - our representatives in Trenton can double security funding for our schools by passing supplemental appropriations bills S3080 and A4597. Today, the state allocates $75 per non-public student for security; S3080/A4597 authorizes an increase in the allocation to $150 per student. For Jewish community schools, the supplemental funding would be up to an additional $3.7 million.
The State Association is urging members of the community and school interests to take the following steps:
1. Call Senate President Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Coughlin.
2. Send this message to your Jewish community schools and synagogues
3. Share this message with fellow community members and organizations
Your help is needed to get the word out about this important opportunity secure needed, appropriate and more equity in providing security funding for our community schools.
Please call leaders of the NJ Legislature today and voice your support for S3080 and A4597. Click here or see below for a short script for your message.
Senate President Sweeney at the Senate Majority Office (609) 847-3700
Assembly Speaker Coughlin at Assembly Majority Office (609) 847-3500
For more information on the urgency of supplemental security funding in New Jersey, please read coverage in Bloomberg.
Senate | Assembly |
"Hello, my name is ____ _
and I live in city/town
I wanted to ask Senate President Sweeney to support legislation that will increase Security funding to nonpublic schools. In light
of the horrific events of this past Saturday in Pittsburgh, it is clear the
State needs to give our schools more equitable funding to protect our children.
Please support Senate bill
S.3080. Thank you!"
Hello, my name is ____ _
and I live in city/town
I wanted to ask Assembly Speaker Coughlin to support legislation that will increase Security funding to nonpublic schools. In light
of the horrific events of this
past Saturday in Pittsburgh, it is clear the State needs to give our schools more equitable funding to protect our children.
Please support Assembly bill
A.4597. Thank you!"
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