Here's hoping we're all basking in the afterglow of Thanksgiving, rather than suffering Black Friday buyer's remorse. This year, the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey invites you skip the cyber shopping hangover and take part in Giving Tuesday Dec. 1.
#GivingTuesday is an international day created by the 92nd Street Y, dedicated to giving back and sharing our blessings with others in the true spirit of Thanksgiving and our Jewish traditions of tzedakah and tikkun olam!
If you have not yet made your annual pledge to the Jewish Federation's community campaign, #GivingTuesday is a great time to do so. And if you have already made a gift to the Federation, #GivingTuesday is a great excuse to give a little more.
Join the millions of people worldwide who will be texting, emailing, going online, and calling their favorite charities on the phone to help those in need. Your gift to the Federation will help us help thousands of people all year long.
Here's how to give to the Jewish Federation on Giving Tuesday.
TEXT federation to 91011
Using your smart phone, this will take you to our secure TEXT-TO-DONATE link.
Go Online
Click right here to make an online donation
Call Us
Call us at 732.588.1800
If you're on social media on Giving Tuesday, tell your friends you support the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey. Use the hashtag #jewishheartnj.
This growing international phenomenon has already helped millions of people around the globe. The Jewish Federation is delighted to invite you to get in on it.
Thank you for your support and generosity remembering those less fortunate on Giving Tuesday and every day. May you and yours be blessed with a happy Chanukah and a happy 2016!