Life & Legacy Program Generates More Than $10 Million in Future Value


Life & Legacy Program Generates More Than $10 Million in Future Value for the Jewish Community

In July 2018, the Jewish Federation announced it exceeded its goals for year two of the Life & Legacy program. Together with eight partner organizations, 178 Letters of Intent (LOIs) were brought in, 16 more than the set goal, each averaging $25,001. Combined with last year’s LOIs, the effort totals more than $10.4 million in future value for the Jewish community. 

Reaching this milestone earned the Jewish Federation and its Life & Legacy partners financial incentives from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (the program’s creator) and our community qualified to continue the program for a third year. 

In year one, this community’s goal of 180 LOIs was also exceeded by 22.

In August 2015, the Jewish Federation won a competitive grant to bring the LIFE & LEGACY program to the heart of NJ, committing resources to invest in a bright Jewish future and securing matching funds from the program’s creator, The Harold Grinspoon Foundation, to benefit a dozen different Jewish organizations.

The Jewish Federation has been working with donors for many decades to help them realize their philanthropic aims. For more information about legacy gifts, and the use of life insurance to make a legacy gift, please contact Susan Antman, Executive Vice President, The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey, at, or 732-588-1800.



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