Jewish Heritage Museum Presents: The Story of a Baghdadi Jewish Family

The Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County presents a Zoom program, Jewish Calcutta through Music and Memory: The Personal Story of a Baghdadi Jewish Family, with Rahel Musleah, an award-winning journalist, author, singer, speaker, educator, and leader of Jewish heritage tours of India, on Sunday, October 18, 2020, 
at 2 PM. For more details and to register, please email the Museum at  
Rahel Musleah was born in Calcutta, India, the seventh generation of a Calcutta Jewish family that traces its roots to 17th century Baghdad. Through her multi-media song, story, and slide programs, she shares her rare and intimate knowledge of this ancient community’s history, customs, and melodies with audiences at synagogues, schools, libraries, women’s groups, and cultural events. 
For more information or to make a donation, call the Museum at 732-252-6990, or visit
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