Funding is Available From the Federation

For organizations seeking major program funding from the Federation, the application process for 2016 grants of $3,000+ will open Oct. 8, 2015. To be eligible, you must attend a mandatory FUNDING MEETING.

Two dates and locations are offered for your convenience

  • Oct. 8, 7-9 PM - 230 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ
  • Oct. 13, 7-9 PM - 960 Homdel Toad, Building II, 2nd Floor, Holmdel, NJ 07733

RSVP to email or 732.588-1804

After attending a funding meeting, applications are invited to submit grant applications for programs that achieve any of the following goals:

  • Caring for the vulnerable
  • Inspiring young people to embrace Jewish life
  • Attracting people to a vibrant Jewish community
  • Forging connections with Israel and overseas




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