Dear Federation Supporters,
The start of summer 2020 brings more than longer days and warmer weather. With COVID-19 restrictions easing, it brings a change of scenery as many are venturing out a bit more -- or differently -- than they had been since March.
Synagogues and other Jewish organizations are beginning to dip their toes into "re-entry," with some even conducting outdoor Shabbat services.
Families with children are exploring creative and safe ways to keep their young ones engaged -- from online "camps" to turning their yards into summer-fun-central.
And with many travel plans shelved, virtual touring remains a welcome way to see more of the world. (Are you joining us in Morocco this Sunday?)
Federation supports our Jewish community in these ways and more as we continue living Jewish life through the uncharted course of this pandemic. Read on to learn how.
Don't miss some inspirational greetings to all the grads whose rite of passage is different than any before. Also, peer into the passions driving board member, Ken Philmus' commitment to Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey.
It's all in this week's FRIDAY LIGHT welcome to summer issue!
Wishing you sunshine this Shabbat and always,
Susan Antman, Executive Director
Friday Light is a weekly digest of community highlights from Jewish Federation in the Heart of NJ.
This week's issue featured;
- Federation convenes Synagogues to share ideas on July 1
- Summer fun and education to keep kids engaged
- Summer travel continues...virtually
- Honoring all graduates
- Board member spotlight Ken Philmus: Pro-Federation for reasons large & small
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