Exclusive Conference Call with Alan Dershowitz

Dear Friends,

Due to your ongoing interest in the Iran deal currently under discussion in Congress and in matters affecting the State of Israel, we want to invite you to participate in a special conference call THIS THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, AT NOON (Eastern) WITH ALAN DERSHOWITZ.Register here for this call

Alan Dershowitz is Professor Emeritus at Harvard Law School and has just published a new book: 

The Case Against the Iran Deal: How Can We Now Stop Iran from Getting Nukes?

As someone who has been a leader in efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon for many years, including discussions with President Obama about this important concern, Professor Dershowitz has a unique and important viewpoint to share. 

This special conference call is part of the Jewish Federation’s ongoing efforts to bring a broad array of perspectives and resources to educate our community about the JCPOA – the Iran deal currently under discussion.  And this is the kind of opportunity that the Jewish Federation is unique in being able to offer.

See below for more information on Professor Dershowitz or to learn more about his new book.

Click here to register for this call.

We hope you will be able to join us to hear his unique perspective on the Iran deal currently under discussion. 


Keith Krivitzky

CEO, The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey

Professor Alan M. Dershowitz is a Brooklyn native who has been called “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer” and one of its “most distinguished defenders of individual rights,” “the best-known criminal lawyer in the world,” “the top lawyer of last resort,” “America’s most public Jewish defender” and “Israel’s single most visible defender – the Jewish state’s lead attorney in the court of public opinion.”  He has also published more than 1000 articles and essays on a wide variety of topics.

To purchase Mr. Dershowitz's book, click here

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