Does Hanukkah seem like ancient history?

My menorahs are back in the closet, but Hanukkah's still on my mind. Its central story of the Maccabees triumphing over anti-Semitism is as relevant today as it was in 175 BCE.

The Maccabees followed their military victory by rededicating their temple -- and themselves -- to Jewish life. Amid rising anti-Semitism today, the Jewish community in Monmouth and Greater Middlesex counties -- the heart of NJ -- has rededicated itself, through the relaunch of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), to our safety and freedom to live as Jews. 

Jewish Federation and the heart of NJ's JCRC invite you to inform our work and priorities in pushing back on hate, enhancing communal security, and addressing humanitarian issues. Please take this survey to share your thoughts

Your survey answers will help guide this community's advocacy, education, and security initiatives and inform topics for discussion within the Jewish community, between the Jewish and other faith communities, and with civic and government leaders. Your answers will help the JCRC better understand how bias and anti-Semitism affect the day-to-day lives of people like you, where to focus communal efforts, which partners to work with, and more.

Please CLICK HERE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE JCRC SURVEY. It takes only about 5 minutes.

With rising hate affecting all Jews, the community needs to get together and address it. Your voice is crucial. Please take the survey and make your voice heard.

Thank you,
Susan Antman

Executive Director
Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey
serving Monmouth and Greater Middlesex counties

P.S. For more information about the Jewish Community Relations Council (the JCRC), or to get involved as a volunteer, learn more.   

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