We here at the Jewish Federation in the Heart of NJ are exciting to be creating a new program called the Caring Initiative - reaching out to the Jewish community in times of crisis and need offering comfort and hope to Jewish patients in the hospital. Did you know that we have 10 area hospitals in our area with an average Jewish census on any given day of approximately 225? Our goal is to have coverage at all 10 area hospitals at least 3 - 5 days per week. In order to do this, we need all the help we can get!
On Friday, August 7, 2015 from 10 am – 12, we are conducting a training session for anyone who would like to refresh their hospital visiting skills or for new people who are interested in partaking in the mitzvah of bikkur cholim – visiting the sick. The training will take place at our Holmdel office at 960 Holmdel Rd. Building II, 2nd floor, Holmdel, NJ 07733.
The topic for this inaugural training session is “Hospital Visits 101: What to expect when you enter a patient’s room.” Rabbi Deborah Miller and Lori Bernard will introduce the basics of hospital visits ranging from “how and when to enter a patient’s room” to” when you know it is time to leave” and everything in between. Unfortunately it is limited to only 15 participants because Rabbi Miller desires the experience to be interactive and constructive as all your questions are addressed and answered. We will also have all the necessary paperwork and information about applying to be a volunteer at your local hospital. In the future, we will be conducting additional training sessions throughout the year on various topics including “Visiting from a Jewish perspective”, “What to do if they want more help”, and other topics.
If you would like to register or for any additional information, please contact Lori Bernard at 732-588-1808 or lorib@jewishheartnj.org