ADL Report: Anti-Semitic Incidents Up 32% in NJ in 2017

The following report and press release was issued February 27, 2018, by the Anti-Defamation League, and concluded that anti-Semitic incidents increased 32% in New Jersey in 2017. With this statistic, it is evident why the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey’s work in security and fighting hate is even more important – and necessary - today.

Dear Community Partners:
Swastikas painted on synagogues and in cemeteries. Schoolchildren harassed with anti-Semitic slurs. Bomb threats called in to Jewish institutions. White supremacists marching in the streets and chanting “Jews will not replace us.” ADL's Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents, released today, confirms what all of us perceived: that incidents like these are proliferating and the perpetrators of hate have become emboldened.
Today, we released our latest report that compares anti-Semitic incidents in 2016 to 2017. The numbers are troubling.
The report reveals that the number of anti-Semitic incidents in New Jersey was 32 percent higher in 2017 than 2016. With 208 reported anti-Semitic incidents in 2017, New Jersey has the third highest number of reported incidents in the nation.

The 208 anti-Semitic incidents reported across New Jersey in 2017 include physical assaults, vandalism, and attacks on Jewish institutions. Every part of the state was affected, with an incident reported in almost every county. 
Especially disturbing is the high number of anti-Semitic bullying and vandalism incidents that have taken place in K-12 schools and on college campuses. Anti-Semitic incidents in K-12 schools in 2017 more than doubled over 2016. There were 61 anti-Semitic incidents in New Jersey, up from 29 reported incidents in 2016. School-based incidents represent almost 30 percent of all reported incidents in New Jersey. And we know that many school-based incidents don’t even get reported.

Nationally, there were 1,986 anti-Semitic incidents reported across the United States in 2017 representing a 57 percent increase over the 1,267 incidents in 2016. These numbers also include the 163 bomb threats against Jewish institutions in 2017, up 41 percent from 2016.
 ADL New Jersey is, and has always been, a first responder to acts of hate and bigotry in our community – and we’re not about to stand down now. Whether it’s swastikas of vandalism or anti-Semitic activities on a campus, ADL gets the call and answers with tools to build respect and understanding. ADL is staffed with trained professionals who educate schoolchildren, college students and communities to end bias and hate speech.  We train law enforcement professionals throughout the year to understand and address bigotry. We work tirelessly to end the escalation of hate. 
The struggle against hate is not easy and it cannot be accomplished only through short-term measures. Rather, effective action requires a long-term commitment of energy, resources, passion and collaboration. TOGETHER, we will push back against this scourge of hate and ensure that our timeless mission is fulfilled.


With 208 Incidents, New Jersey is Third Highest in the Nation
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said in a new report today that the number of anti-Semitic incidents in New Jersey was 32 percent higher in 2017 than 2016. With 208 reported anti-Semitic incidents in 2017, New Jersey is the third highest in nation.

There were 208 anti-Semitic incidents reported across New Jersey in 2017, which include  physical assaults, vandalism, and attacks on Jewish institutions. That figure represents a 32 percent increase over the 152 incidents in 2016. Every part of the state was affected, with an incident reported in almost every county. 
Nationally, there were 1,986 anti-Semitic incidents reported across the United States in 2017 representing a 57 percent increase over the 1,267 incidents in 2016. These numbers also include the 163 bomb threats against Jewish institutions in 2017, up 41 percent from 2016.
“New Jersey’s sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents this past year confirm what all of us have perceived: anti-Semitic incidents are proliferating and perpetrators of hate have become emboldened,” said Joshua Cohen, ADL New Jersey Regional Director.
“It is shocking that there are, on average, four incidents a week in New Jersey” said A. Ross Pearlson, ADL New Jersey Regional Board Chair. “This surge in incidents only sharpens our resolve as we reaffirm our commitment to ADL’s century-old mission to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.”
Since 1979, ADL has counted anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. and reported the numbers in its annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents. Last year, in response to concerns about rising anti-Semitism, ADL stepped up the frequency of reporting, issuing additional reports quarterly to share data more regularly throughout the year.

In 2017, according to ADL, there were in New Jersey:
110 incidents of vandalism, an increase from 81 incidents in 2016;
95 incidents of harassment, an increase from 73 incidents in 2016;
3 physical assaults, unchanged from 3 in 2016.
The dramatic increase in anti-Semitic acts of vandalism – which is a crime -- is particularly concerning because it indicates perpetrators feel emboldened enough to break the law. In the vast majority of vandalism cases the perpetrators remain unidentified. The following are selected New Jersey incidents in 2017:
Three separate incidents of the Mahwah Eruv vandalized (Bergen County) 
Swastika painted on wall of Jewish-owned business (Bergen County)
The mezuzah belonging to a Jewish resident was ripped from their doorpost (Essex County)
A white supremacist banner that read: "END JEWISH CONTROL OF AMERICA!
Anti-Semitic flyers from Vanguard America titled "Hate Facts With Hitler" were posted at several public locations. (Monmouth County)
White supremacist group, Vanguard America, placed an anti-Semitic banner on a Holocaust memorial that read “(((Heebs))) will not divide us." (Ocean County)
Bomb threats targeting JCC’s and Jewish institutions throughout New Jersey
Multiple synagogues received harassing anti-Semitic voicemails (Bergen County)
Jersey City Imam called for martyrdom among his constituents in the defeat of Israel, and called Jews pigs and apes, and asked that Allah kill every Jew (Hudson County)
New Jersey resident at a local township council meeting spoke of Hasidic Jews “sucking the blood” from a nearby town and asked the council members to “remove the infection” of Hasidic Jews. (Bergen County)
White supremacist group, Vanguard America, placed anti-Semitic fliers on the windshields of cars that read "Thieving Jews." (Ocean County)
Anti-Semitic incidents in K-12 schools in 2017 more than doubled over 2016. There were 61 anti-Semitic incidents reported in non-Jewish schools in New Jersey, up from 29 reported incidents in 2016. School-based incidents represent almost 30 percent of all reported incidents in New Jersey. 
While college campuses across the country saw a total of 204 incidents in 2017, compared to 108 in 2016, New Jersey’s numbers remained almost unchanged from 2016 with 17 incidents reported in 2017. 
“The increase of anti-Semitic incidents against students is deeply troubling,” Cohen said. “Bullying is not a rite of passage. It is imperative for schools to have anti-bias and anti-bullying programs, and why we are committing to take our No Place for Hate program into more schools.”
The following are selected K-12 and campus incidents:
Jewish student told to “burn in Hitler’s EZ Bake Oven” 
Middle School students created an online chat group  chat called "Kill All Jews” 
An online document that teachers had set up online was vandalized with anti-Semitic, racist, and sexual messages.
Students on a middle school bus were recorded on camera singing happy birthday to Hitler. 
Multiple incidents of racist and anti-Semitic posters/white supremacist recruitment flyers found at various locations around campus, including Jewish institutions.
Jewish students, while walking home from Shabbat services, were harassed with anti-Semitic slurs and threats.
Swastikas spray-painted on multiple campus residence buildings.
ADL has a comprehensive approach to address anti-Semitic incidents and behavior, including educating youth to prevent these behaviors and working with law enforcement to apprehend the perpetrators. ADL trains 15,000 law enforcement officials per year, provides anti-bias training widely, including to every new FBI agent, and reaches 1.5 million kids in schools with our anti-bias and anti-bullying training.
“ADL New Jersey is, and has always been, the first responder to acts of hate and bigotry in our community – and we’re not about to stand down now’ said Cohen. “The struggle against hate is not easy and it cannot be accomplished only through short-term measures. Rather, effective action requires a long-term commitment of energy, resources, passion and collaboration. Together, we will push back against this scourge of hate and ensure that our timeless mission is fulfilled.”
In response to the historic rise in anti-Semitic incidents in New Jersey, ADL is sharing the following policy recommendations:
Speak Out Against Anti-Semitism. Public officials and law enforcement authorities must use their bully pulpit to speak out against anti-Semitic incidents – and all acts of hate.  These officials must support efforts to punish this conduct to the fullest extent of the law, while providing comfort and assistance to individual victims and community members. All New Jersey Mayor’s should sign ADL’s Mayor’s Compact Against Hate and Extremism.
Be An Ally. Victims and bystanders should report all anti-Semitic incidents and vandalism to the Anti-Defamation League and to local police. If we expect law enforcement officials and community members to take these incidents seriously, we must take them seriously – and report them, both to ADL and to the police.  
Ensure Proper Investigation and Documentation of Hate Related Incidents. Anti-Semitic incidents – and all hate related incidents – demand a priority response because of their special impact on the victim and the victim’s community. Failure to address this unique type of crime could cause an isolated incident to explode into widespread community tension. The New Jersey Department of Law and Safety must ensure that state and local law enforcement are properly trained to recognize, investigate, respond, and document hate related incidents. 
Prioritize Anti-Bias Curriculum in Schools. Our children deserve an education in an environment that is free of anti-Semitism, racism, and bigotry. The New Jersey Department of Education must provide schools and communities with the necessary resources to promote anti-bias and culturally responsive learning environments.
Celebrate Diversity, Promote Inclusivity on Campus. College and university administrators, faculty, and staff must receive the necessary training to effectively respond to anti-Semitic incidents, hate crimes, hate speech, and extremism on campus.  Campus officials have a moral obligation to speak out against hate.  Colleges and universities must build an institution for learning that works toward inclusion and equity while also ensuring open expression and a marketplace for ideas.
The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.  Today it is the world’s leading organization combating anti-Semitism, exposing hate groups, training law enforcement on hate crimes, developing anti-bias education programs for students, countering cyber-hate and relentlessly pursuing equal rights for all. 




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