Tributes and Memorial Gifts - March 2015

Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County
To Marci and Steven Zeidwerg, Mazel Tov on their daughter’s Bat Mitzvah, from the Antman Family, the Federation Board and Staff; to Sherri and Jonathan Lerner and Family, in memory of Esther Hershkowitz, from the Federation Board and Staff, Laura and Jeremy Safran; to Jay and Rebecca Brenowitz and Family, in memory of Jay’s mother, from the Federation Board and Staff;  to Florence Speck, in memory of Norton L. Speck; to Alan Horowitz, Mazel Tov on Jade’s Bat Mitzvah, from Susan and Marvin Antman; to Mr. and Mrs. David Adelman and Family, Mazel Tov on Jade’s Bat Mitzvah, from Susan and Marvin Antman; to Marilyn Goldsmith, in memory of her Aunt, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Alice Lavigne, in memory of Daniel Lavigne, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Dorothy Rubinstein, in memory of Rose Sokolik, from Jeffries and Rona Shein; to Abby and Randy Kanter, Mazel Tov on the birth of their grandson, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Elinor Levine, for Allan’s speedy and complete recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Doris Siederer, in memory of Herman Siederer; to Devorah Hilsenrath, Mazel Tov on the birth of her great granddaughter, from the Federation Board and Staff, Susan Antman; to Mark and Beth Brownstein and Family, in memory of Harold Brownstein, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Margaret Geffner and Family, in memory of Barry Geffner, from Rita and Tom Levy; to Rosanne Kleinman, in memory of Arthur Kleinman, from Irene and Sam Wanderer; to Susan and Jon Mandell, Mazel Tov on their 50th anniversary, from Theo and David Mulgrum; to Rona Wexler and Eugene Fixler, in memory of Ariel Joy Fixler, from Elise Feldman; to Monroe Glitzer and Family, in memory of Barbara Glitzer, from Susan and Jon Mandell, Dodie Weinstein and Bob Goldberg, the Federation Board and Staff, Stephanie and Gary Zinman, Rhoda Wagman, Joan and Barry Ellen, Fredda and David Isaacson, Marilyn Goldsmith and Robert Kirschbaum, Susan Antman, Karmela and Roy Waldman, Ruth Ellen and Sidney Weiss, Jane Berkey and Sanford Golin, Elise Feldman, Raymond Moss, Marilyn Althoff and Samuel Redick, Sharon Karmazin and David Greene, Janet Freedman and Larry Robertson, Susan and Norman Fainstein; to Lauren Glitzer, in memory of Barbara Glitzer, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff, Marilyn Goldsmith and Robert Kirschbaum; to Matthew Glitzer, in memory of Barbara Glitzer, from Marilyn Goldsmith and Robert Kirschbaum, Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to David Glitzer, in memory of Barbara Glitzer, from Susan Antman, Marilyn Goldsmith and Robert Kirschbaum, the Federation Board and Staff

Jennifer Lalin Memorial Foundation
To Cantor Singer, in honor of David Singer, from Nancy and Spencer Hart; to Michelle and Michael Zuckman, in memory of Gloria Zuckman, from Nancy and Spencer Hart

Sandra Wainer Memorial Fund for PJ Library
To Sara Lougy, in her honor, from Samantha Resnick


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