Interest-free loans to be made available to qualified applicants who wish to build their Jewish family.
It’s starting to feel like spring, and spring brings new beginnings. What better time to announce the launch of Building Jewish Families -- interest-free loans that are now available to help defray the costs of fertility treatments, surrogacy, and/or adoption for families looking to raise a child or children in a home consistent with Jewish values and practices. Building Jewish Families is a program of Hebrew Free Loan of New Jersey, and supported by the Jewish Federation. The initiative is intended to help strengthen Jewish families and community.
Of course, Hebrew Free Loan assists people with all types of needs, from medical expenses, debt consolidation, and home repair, to starting or expanding a business – and many more. Hebrew Free loan recently helped a victim of domestic abuse afford legal support to start a new life in safety for herself and her children.
If you know someone who may be looking for help building their own Jewish family – one child at a time -- or someone who could use a hand up through a difficult time, get more information about Hebrew Free Loans by calling Laura Safran at 732-588-1800 or going to http://hebrewfreeloanofnj.org.
Since 2008, Hebrew Free Loan of New Jersey has given loans to more than 300 people in the total amount of $1.4 million. In this new Building Jewish Families program, all loan applicants must agree that these children will be raised and nurtured in a home consistent with Jewish values and practices. Arthur Schechner, Chairman of the Board of HFL, states, “Hebrew Free Loan of New Jersey is committing money and effort to building Jewish families. We will help prospective parents bring about the miracle of life by providing a resource for the tremendous expenses associated with in-vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and adoption by the granting of interest free loans. We can think of no better use of our funds than this.”
For the loan, prospective parent(s) will be considered individually and jointly, and at least one prospective parent (loan applicant) must be Jewish. As part of the loan criteria, the applicant also must be a resident of the Hebrew Free Loan of New Jersey community. The identity of all applicants and the information provided is held in the strictest confidence.
Hebrew Free Loan of New Jersey traces its origins back to the late 1800s, when the original Hebrew Free Loan Association was founded in Newark to aid the burgeoning migration of Jews from Eastern Europe. Today, Hebrew Free Loan of New Jersey serves Jews in Essex, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Sussex, and Union counties. In Monmouth and Greater Middlesex counties, the organization partners with the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey. The mission remains unchanged: helping Jews in need to become self-sufficient by providing interest-free loans.
For more information, visit http://hebrewfreeloanofnj.org.
For questions, contact Laura, lauras@jewishheartnj.org or 732-588-1800.
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