What difference can a child’s book make to a family? PJ Library’s has been a gift to our family!
With two little girls to educate on the fun of being Jewish, PJ Library was a great way to keep my kids informed and teach me along the way, too.
I grew up in a home with a Dad who came from an Orthodox background and wasn't very religious. He actually shied away from Judaism. It was forced on him and he didn't want to do that to his children. I was certainly the minority in school and the neighborhood. I related to being Jewish and grew up celebrating the holidays, in our own way, but always wanted to make sure my kids felt comfortable in their own skin and, first and foremost, proud to be Jewish!
We signed up for PJ Library through my daughter's Jewish preschool. What did I have to lose? Free Jewish books for my children? Why not give it a shot, I thought! Each month the books arrived, my children would get so excited!! What kid doesn't love mail and better yet a free gift that they actually enjoy?
My older daughter and I would read the books and I learned along with her all about the Jewish holidays and customs. She's now ten years old and has even asked why the books have stopped coming to her. That's how much she enjoyed it. Recently, she had to read a book to my younger daughter's second grade public school class. This is a class in which about one third of the students are Jewish. What book did my daughter choose? Well, her favorite, which happens to be one she received from PJ Library. It's called Picnic at Camp Shalom. She felt comfortable reading this book to the class. And she said the students really enjoyed it. She's confident in being a Jewish little girl and educating others as well. So, I'd say mission accomplished!
PJ Library has supplied me with the tools to help educate my children and in turn educate others as well. Thank you for such an amazing program to help keep Jewish education alive!
Sheri Guttman
Publisher, Macaroni Kid Western Monmouth
PJ Library mails free, high-quality, expertly-selected, age-appropriate Jewish children's literature and music to families across the continent on a monthly basis. An award-winning program brought to you by the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey in partnership with local philanthropists and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, it is a Jewish family engagement program implemented on a local level throughout North America.
For more information about PJ Library, go to www.pjlibrary.org . For information about PJ Parents Pop-Up Play Dates and other PJ Library family-friendly activities, contact lauras@jewishheartnj.org .
Join in and GET IN ON THE ACT:
Sign up for PJ Library, so you and your child can enjoy the books and music together.
Check the dates on the PJ Library Facebook page so you can participate in one of the Pop-Up Play Dates and Sweet Summer Series Dates scheduled for this summer. Contact Laura at lauras@jewishheartnj.org so you and your child can get in on the fun. And follow on Facebook.
Donate to the Federation to help expand programs and services for every age and stage.