
25 2025

JCC Author Series: When Women Ran Fifth Avenue

6:30PM - 7:00PM  

JCC of Middlesex County 1775 Oak Tree Road
Edison, NJ 08820
7324943232 doshri@jccmc.org

Contact Donna Oshri
Free and open to the community. Register online: https://jccmc.org/fifthavenue or stop by/call the JCC Member Services Desk at 732-494-3232.

Join us for our 2025 Author Series, featuring Julie Satow.
Julie will discuss her book: "When Women Ran Fifth Avenue: Glam­our and Pow­er at the Dawn of Amer­i­can Fashion"
Free and open to the community! Meet the author and book signing will take place after the program.
Register online: www.jccmc.org or stop by/call the JCC Member Services Desk at 732-494-3232.

In "When Women Ran Fifth Avenue", award-win­ning jour­nal­ist and author of "The Plaza" Julie Satow chron­i­cles the rise of the depart­ment store through daz­zling por­traits of three vision­ary women who took great risks, forg­ing new paths for the women who fol­lowed in their foot­steps. This styl­ish account, rich with per­son­al dra­ma and trade secrets, cap­tures the depart­ment store in all its glitz, deca­dence, and fun, and show­cas­es the women who made that beau­ti­ful­ly curat­ed world go round.

This his­to­ry of Amer­i­can fash­ion and the depart­ment store is inex­tri­ca­ble from Jew­ish his­to­ry, from the Jew­ish immi­grants who worked in New York’s Gar­ment Dis­trict to influ­en­tial design­ers and cre­ators like Hat­tie Carnegie and Lena Him­mel­stein. These sto­ries are inter­wo­ven through­out Satow’s
glit­ter­ing account of a bygone era of inno­va­tion and glamour.

Sponsor: JCC of Middlesex County