
31 2015

Yoga Shalom

10:45AM - 11:45AM  

Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple
New Brunswick, NJ
732 545 6484 temple@aemt.info

Contact Heather Kibel
732 545 6484

How does one embody prayer? Yoga Shalom, a spiritual and physical journey guided by a sequence of traditional Shabbat morning prayers, was created by Lisa Levine, a URJ Cantor and yoga practioner. The yoga postures and breathing practices offer an opportunity to pray not just with your mouth and mind, but with your breath, body and heart. Join us as we devote time to our spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. Wear comfortable clothing. Exercise may be done seated in a chair on your own yoga mat. Led by Sharon Einiger, a certified and registered yoga instructor, and Jen-Eve Frace. If you are reluctant, give it a try. You may find that you and your body feel better!