
17 2016

Vodka & Latkes

8:00PM - 11:00PM  

Contact Elena Herskowitz

$ Cost $ 0.00


Saturday Night, December 17
8PM - Midnight


Enjoy the festival of lights
with food, fun, and friends

Detour Gallery
24 Clay Street, Red Bank

Couvert: $54 per person includes food & drinks

Dietary laws observed 






Bring a Hanukkah gift to donate to a child in need 






Chris & Todd Katz

Jill & Jordan Matthews

Host Committee:

Jessica & Andrew Alter, Marna & Jeremy Erlich, Debbie & Lou Friedman,
Keren & Scott Fuchs, Risa & Philip Hines, Ricki & Ira Horowitz, 
Laura & Andy Krantz, Laurie & Mike Lachs, Louisa & Marc Liechtung, 
Fran & Steve Lisser, Rebecca & Keith Peckman, 
Barbara & Larry Reiss, Amy & Will Schafer


Sponsor: Jewish Federation