
30 2016

Understanding and Communicating the Truth About Israel in the Digital Age

1:00PM - 3:00PM  

Neve Shalom 250 Grove Avenue
Metuchen, NJ 08840

Contact Barbara Spack

This free event will focus on understanding and communicating the truth about Israel in today's digital age, which at times seems like a challenge. Our object is to understand the challenges, determine the best sources to counter the negativism we encounter and to proactive out the best responses. Our presenters will be Gerald Ostrov, founder of reThink Israel, an organization devoted to providing digital information about Israel, its culture and people, and Josh Warhit of Stand with Us, an organization with many active campaigns that teach the Diaspora and support Israel and to address anti-Israel bias. We are confident that the event will prove to be engaging, extremely worthwhile and informative and we welcome everyone to join us at Neve Shalom to participate.

This day is free and there will be refreshments and child care for more enjoyment!

Sponsor: Neve Shalom: Israel Awareness Committee,Jewish federation in the Heart of NJ, Jewish Community Center