
2 2016

Tu B'Shevat Program with Wilf at Home

6:30PM - 8:00PM  

Highland Park Senior Center South 6th Avenue
Highland Park, NJ 08904

Contact Roselyn Bell

February 2, 2016, 6:30 p.m. Highland Park Senior Center
Instructor: David Rosenberg, Executive Director of Wilf at Home, an agency of The Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living.
Are you bad with names? Have you ever forgotten the name of the nice person you spent 20 minutes talking to at your friend’s party? This fun and interactive program will help you identify why names are hard to remember, and teach you the tools to improve your recall for names.
Join us for refreshments as we also remember the fruits for a Tu B’Shevat Seder by bringing a fruit for all of us to eat to the program for us to improve our wisdom and knowledge. To RSVP, call Rosey Bell at 732-819-0593.