
19 2015

Torah on Mondays with Rabbi Malomet

12:30PM - 1:30PM  

Highland Park Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Emeth
free for members; $10 per semester for nonmembers 201 S 3rd Ave.
Highland Park, NJ 08904
732-545-6482 (Phone)
732-246-3100 (Fax)

Contact Linda Tondow
732-545-6482 (Phone)
732-246-3100 (Fax)

$ Cost $ 10.00

Rabbi Malomet’s lively Monday lunch class continues this year with an in-depth look at the early sections of Bemidbar, the book of Numbers. Each week we will continue to examine a different Torah text, looking for its literary, theological, spiritual and historical messages and its relevance to us today. Join us for a light lunch followed by an encounter with the travails and travels of the ancient Israelites.

Sponsor: Highland Park Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Emeth