The Rothschild's presentation will take us from their earliest days and the life of the patriarch Meyer Amschel Rothschild. We will delve into the family history, and how they became to be the world's leading financiers so soon after the Jews were able to move forward out of the ghettoes. We will also touch on their religious views in light of living during these turbulent and changing times, and their views on Zionism.
The lecture will cover how they managed to be so successful in the face of continuing anti-Semitism, and how they were able to continue expanding their operation opening offices in London, Paris, Naples and Vienna etc.
This presentation will also discuss how world events changed the way they operated, who they lent to, and how they secured their loans. How the Napoleonic wars effected their operations, and how shifting political alliances shaped their business strategy.
It will conclude with a brief summary on the family's current state of affairs.
Stuart Liss graduated Yeshiva University with a degree in Jewish education, psychology and Spanish; and Summa Cum Laude from NYU with a Masters Degree in History. He speaks Hebrew, English, Spanish and some Italian and Yiddish (German). For the better part of his career Mr. Liss worked in the Insurance and Finance business, most recently at Met Life. He is an avid traveler, golfer, racquetball player and blog writer.