Did you know there is a Jewish Day of Love?
To learn more about Tu B'av, the Jewish Day of Love, join us on July 19 from 11:30am-1:30pm at Menlo Park Mall in Edison. We will be in the main court by Michael Kors (Enter between Barnes and Noble and the Cheesecake Factory).
Stop by anytime to decorate a bag, create tissue paper flowers, enjoy some drinks from Jamba Juice, listen to a fun story, and learn about Tu B'av!
Enter the FREE raffle for a chance to win fun prizes! This event is FREE and OPEN TO ALL!
For more information, please contact Caren Heller at 908-875-0767 or cheller@bigtentjudaism.org. Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey's PJ Library program. Hope to see you there!
Sponsor: Big Tent Judaism and Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey