
26 2016

Passover Musical Celebration & Luncheon

11:00AM - 2:00PM  

Contact marion riback

$ Cost $ 0.00

Join Jewish Family & Children's Service of Greater Monmouth County for a musical celebration and a delicious hot lunch featuring Vincent Talerico. Singing in six languages, dancing, telling stories and jokes, Vincent moves people with love, passion, sincerity, and emotion through his voice. Vincent is an international singer who has worked with Robin Williams, Pat Cooper, Jerry Seinfeld, the Smother Brothers, Jackie Mason and many more. Vincent will sing Yiddish, Hebrew and Jewish songs to celebrate Passover at 11 AM at The Brookside, 93 Manalapan Ave, Freehold. The cost is $10. Lunch will include matzo ball soup, gefilte fish, stuffed chicken, roasted potatoes, vegetables, matzo, dessert, tea, coffee, soda, juice and water. Contact Marion at 732-774-6886 ext. 43 or m.riback.jfcs@gmail.com.