Night by Elie Wiesel
The Shoah: Reflections on Its Meaning and the Future
One Book for One Congreation
The Jewish world and the entire world recently lost one of the great voices of our time. The passing of Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel has left an enormous void; no other person in our time has spoken with the moral authority of Elie Wiesel. To honor his memory and continue his legacy of speaking truth to power, we invite everyone in the congregation to read his first work, Night, and then join us on Sunday morning, April 2, for a conversation with scholars about the meaning of Wiesel’s impact upon our world and its meaning for the future. More information will be forthcoming in the spring. For now, purchase Night and begin reading it. Set April 2 on your calendar, and be prepared for an awesome day of reflection.
Sponsor: Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple