
5 2016

M Pomper Memorial Lecture: Schlemiel in Modern Jewish Literature

9:30AM - 11:00AM  

Linda Tondow 201 South 3rd Ave.
Highland Park, NJ 08904
7325456482 (Phone)
732-246-3100 (Fax)

Contact Linda Tondow
7325456482 (Phone)
732-246-3100 (Fax)

Join us for a discussion of the Schlemiel in Modern Jewish Literature! Professor Barry Seldes will make a presentation and then lead the discussion, using four Philip Roth books to illustrate “the schlemiel.”

Reading any or all of the following Philip Roth books is not necessary to attend: Columbus, Goodbye (1959), Portnoy Complaint (1969), The Counterlife (1986) and Operation Shylark (1993).

Barry Seeldes is a professor of political science at Rider University in Lawrenceville, NJ. His book, Leonard Bernstein: Survival and Triumph in Cold War America, was published by University of California Press in 2009. His current projects include studies of the work of the late critic Susan Sontag.

A light breakfast will be served.

Free for Temple members; $10 for non-members.

Sponsor: HPCT-CAE