
31 2016


9:00AM - 10:00AM  

JCC of Middlesex County 1775 Oak Tree Rd
Edison, NJ 08820

Contact Abby Eisner

INSTRUCTOR: Barry Galitzer
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that is practiced today as a graceful form of exercise. It involves a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing.
Benefits include better ability to stand, walk, and move along with the calming and relaxing nature of the meditative portion.
Barry Galitzer has been active in martial arts for the past 40 years. He has a black belt in Isshin Shorin-Ryu karate. His Tai Chi studies started in 1992. He suffered a back injury which herniated his two lower lumbar discs causing a lot of pain. Soon after he started studying Tai Chi with Master Shu Chao Hua of Fanwood. He learned 24, 37, and 48 forms as well as chikung exercises. Through her teaching he healed his back and became her assistant teacher.
Barry started teaching Tai Chi part time in Westfield in the evenings and at South Plainfield Adult School for the past 15 years. Presently he teaches 7 classes a week with varied age adults and many senior citizens with disabilities.