
1 2016

Jewish Family & Children's Service Annual Tribute Dinner

7:30PM - 10:30PM  

Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel 1401 Ocean Avenue
Asbury Park, NJ 07712

Contact Barbara Marshall
732-774-6886 Ext. 13 (Phone)
732-774-8809 (Fax)

$ Cost $ 0.00

JF&CS is pleased to be honoring Dr. Bob & Bobbi Krantz, Andy & Laura Krantz and Ira Horowitz and Dr. Ricki Krantz-Horowitz at our 33rd Tribute Dinner on October 1, 2016 at the Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel. Cocktails will begin at 7:30 p.m. then a kosher style dinner to follow (kosher dinners will be available upon request) In addition to the testimonial, an ad journal in their honour will be presented that evening. Dancing, a silent auction, live auction, and a raffle drawing will add to the evening festivities. For additional information call Barbara Marshall at 732-774-6886 Ext 13