CURRENT EVENTS will address breaking news of the world and US, politics of the day, business, the arts, sports, religion and those specific issues that give life historical meaning and social purpose.
This 3-week series is based on thorough review and lively discussion of the week’s trending events, their meaning and consequence to the nation and our daily lives. Bob Galante will present the developments of the day, offer insight and perspective,, including pros and cons and importantly encourage a frank, open dialog with the community participants.
Bob Galante graduated from Franklin and Marshall College with a BA in Government and French and began his teaching in the Archdiocese of Newark. While teaching, Mr. Galante earned a Masters of Arts in Teaching Social Studies from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck.
Bob is recognized for his work as an educator earning several professional accolades including Rumson Teacher of the Year on several occasions, the Princeton University Prize for Distinguished Secondary School Teaching, academic kudos from The University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins, and was awarded two scholarships by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
In 1988, Bob was invited to the Rumson School District at Forrestdale and in 2003 was invited to join the faculty at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School with an emphasis on academic history awareness development and geo-political understanding. Bob officially retired from formal teaching in the public schools July 2014.
Bob Galante is now responsible for leading HRG Current Events discussions and conducting our historically oriented Life Long Learning presentations