
2 2015

From Yeshiva to Bimah: Chosen Voices

8:00PM - 9:00PM  

Highland Park Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Emeth 201 S 3rdAve.
Highland Park, NJ 08904
732-545-6482 (Phone)
732-246-3100 (Fax)

Contact Linda Tondow
$36 for members; $50 nonmembers
732-545-6482 (Phone)
732-545-6482 (Fax)

$ Cost $ 36.00

A striking number of prolific Hazzanim emerged from Rabbinic families or from communities steeped in the Rabbinic tradition.  While the training of hazzanim usually occurred outside of yeshivot themselves, many Cantors had substantial Jewish educations.  Some of these Cantors have had the greatest influence on successive generations, creating and performing a wealth of sacred and popular Jewish music, from folk songs, anthems, and chants, to classical musical theater pieces. Through audio, video and personal experience this class will examine the music and the lives of these prolific hazzanim, and the communities from which they emerged.  The ability to read music is not required for this class.  All levels are encouraged to attend.  Come prepared to listen and enjoy some of the great music of the Jewish tradition!

Sponsor: Highland Park Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Emeth