
12 2016

Free Tickets for Yizkor Services at Neve Shalom

2:15PM - 3:15PM  

Neve Shalom 250 Grove Avenue
Metuchen, NJ 08840
(732) 548-2238 office@neveshalom.net

Contact Rita
732-548-2238 x12

Neve Shalom is offering free tickets to attend the Yom Kippur Yizkor Services. Yizkor is a special memorial prayer said in remembrance of departed family, friends, and loved ones. The prayer is said four times during the year, including Yom Kippur.

Yizkor Services will be conducted on Wednesday, October 12th. The services will begin at approximately 2:15 PM, but it is highly recommended to arrive by 2:00 PM. The service will be held in the Sanctuary of Neve Shalom, located at 250 Grove Avenue, Metuchen, NJ. Those that wish to avail themselves of these tickets must pre-register by contacting Rita in the Neve Shalom office at 732-548-2238 x12. To receive tickets by mail, please register by October 6th, and the last day to pick tickets up in-person is October 10th. Office hours are Monday thru Thursday 9-5 and Friday's 9-2:30. Please note that a valid photo ID is required to pick-up the tickets, or must be provided before tickets will be sent by mail. We look forward to seeing you in prayer and remembrance as One Community.

Sponsor: Neve Shalom