Whenever and whenever our Jewish family needs us, The Jewish Federation is there.
Federation cares for people in need here at home, in Israel, and around the world.
But we can't do it without YOU.
1) ANSWER the call on Sunday, October 11 and give generously
Help us raise the critical dollars needed for the Jewish community or go to jewishheartnj.org/donate or call 732-866-4300.
2) VOLUNTEER with others making phone calls to raise the critical dollars needed to support the Jewish community in the heart of New Jersey, Israel, and beyond.
Community Call Day is Sunday, October 11
- 10 AM - 1 PM at the Federation South River office - 230 Old Bridge Turnpike
- 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM at the Federation Holmdel office - 960 Holmdel Road, Building II, 2nd Floor
To volunteer to make calls:
1) Register at jewishheartnj.org/calls
2) Email michaelf@jewishheartnj.org
3) Call 732-858-8063
Your support is appreciated!