
10 2016

CBI's 4th Annual Shabbat at the Shore

5:00PM - 8:00PM  

Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park
Rain Date is Friday, June 17 off of Ocean Avenue
Long Branch, NJ 07740
7328421800 emilie.kovit-meyer@cbirumson.org

Contact Emilie Kovit-Meyer

$ Cost $ 18.00

Please join Congregation B’nai Israel for a

family-friendly night for dinner & services

at Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park,

off of Ocean Avenue in Long Branch.

Bring your beach blankets, chairs & children!

Friday, June 10th *
(*Rain Date is Friday, June 17th)

Fun starts at 5pm
Mike the Magician 5:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Dinner at 6pm
Service at 7pm

Cost is $18 per person/Max of $54 per family

Sponsor: CBI Membership Committee