Temple Shalom, 5 Ayrmont Lane, in Aberdeen, presents a Caring Weekend on January 6th and 8th. The theme for the Caring Weekend is an exploration of how pets and service animals provide therapeutic and healing effects to those suffering from trauma or illness, as well as just dealing with the stress of everyday life. Weekend events are open to the community.
At Friday evening services, Rosemary Laubach of Freehold, a therapy dog specialist, will give a presentation explaining the Therapy Dog Program. She will be accompanied by her dog, Hope. Shabbat services begin at 6:30 pm. Rosemary will be staying for the Kabbalat dinner that immediately follows services so that families can speak with her. The cost for dinner is $14 for an adult and $8 for a child. To RSVP for dinner, contact the Temple office at 732.566.2621
Sponsor: Caring Committee of Temple Shalom