EBJC Men’s Club will be sponsoring its annual Beef and Brews in Our Booth on Thursday, October 20, at 6:45PM. This event is co-sponsored by NJOP as part of Sukkot Across America 2016. It features a multi-course feast catered by Lox, Stock & Deli. The cost is underwritten by NJOP for those who aren’t members of EBJC. Don’t miss out on the fun, join us today! Please RSVP by October 14th to reserve your spot. Please RSVP to ebjcmensclubevents@gmail.com with your name, names of people attending, and your phone number to reserve your seat. Call 732 997 9743 if you have any questions. East Brunswick Jewish Center is located at 511 Ryders Lane in East Brunswick, NJ.
Sponsor: EBJC Men's Club, NJOP