
24 2016

Bassem Eid

8:00PM - 9:45PM  

Congregation B'nai Tikvah 1001 Finnegans Lane
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
732.297.0696 office@bnaitikvah.org

Contact Dan Greenberg

Simply put, Bassem is a brave Palestinian truth teller. He is a human rights activist and a journalist who has exposed corruption and human rights abuses by the Palestinian Authority as well as the lies being spread by Israel’s enemies. He has loudly and unequivocally called on the Palestinian people to stop blaming Israel for their problems and to reject their corrupt and terrorism-supporting leaders. For his efforts, he was thrown in jail by Yasser Arafat and reviled as a traitor by Israel haters and radical Islamists. He is the most powerful and effective spokesman out there against BDS, against funding for Hamas-linked UNRWA, and for real coexistence based on mutual respect.

Sponsor: Congregation B'nai Tikvah