Congregation Sons of Israel is hosting Sam Glaser for our Artist-in-Residence Shabbat. We will begin with Mincha at 4:15pm on Friday, followed by a Shabbat dinner, with a presentation by Sam Glaser "The Life of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach in Story and Song".
On Saturday morning we will have a traditional service followed by a Shabbat lunch, with a presentation by Sam Glaser "Hineni: Answering the Call in Troubled Times". This will be followed by Mincha. At 5:30pm we will have a ma'ariv and havdalah service. At 7:30pm, there will be a Concert by Sam Glaser.
Shabbat dinner: $18 per person, Shabbat lunch: no charge, Concert: $18 per person
Must RSVP by phone for dinner and lunch.
Sponsor: Thank you to our many synagogue families who sponsored this event!