It’s not just a concert. It’s a celebration of all that we hold dear about the music at Anshe Emeth. You see personalities emerge as the Junior Choir captivities you with cuteness. You see growing confidence and stage presence as the teens of Jew Directions merge into a Jewish rock music machine. You will shed a tear as graduating seniors are thanked and honored for their enduring participation in our music programs, and then preform special solos. You will be proud of Kol Emet- the Adult Choir as they perform one virtuoso showpiece after another. You will marvel anew at the very, very special talent of Piano Dave Schlossberg. And it will all be fittingly framed by the Awesome Family Service Band. And it’s FREE!!!!! The evening begins with our beautiful Havdalah service and concludes with a spectacular dessert reception. Friends, neighbors, grandparents, prospective members, and anyone who loves Jewish music will all love this celebration.